Wind Protection, Partition and Illumination

Project name:Flat Uttwil
Application:Garden Design Elements
Country / Place:CH/Uttwil
Architecture:BRUAG AG
Colour:ASS Alu Gold

Who does not dream of a little corner that is protected from the wind so that one can enjoy, feel and store, the first warming sunlight in spring? It is even nicer when one can enjoy that in one's own private space. How attractive, when balmy summer evenings in the garden, or on the terrace or in the jacuzzi are rounded off with exciting plays of light and stylish indirect illumination. With the new Bruag solution, wind and visual screening and indirect illumination are solved with one element. The element has different perforations on one side or both sides to suit individual requirements for shape and colour, and is available with integrated LED lighting as a complete system. Enjoying the sun, shapes and colours in a private setting without effort throughout the year: a push of a button makes it possible.

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