In Bremen, Bruag provides proof that perforated parapets can also be used in the cheaper construction segment. The solution is very simple: less perforation, save more and keep to the budget. For the new construction project of the Municipal Housing Corporation GEWOBA with 116 apartments and for the four residential buildings to be renovated, Bruag has adapted the selected standard perforation in such a way that the laser time could be massively reduced. The excellent priceperformance ratio was not the only reason for which Thorsten Nagel, managing partner of the general contractor Procon, was able to convince his building authority. In the past, residents tended to equip transparent balconies with all sorts of materials. As comprehensible as the desire for discretion is, so much have the associated changes in the facade area been regrettable for investors. With the scalable, semi-transparent Bruag terrace parapets, the insight is limited and – according to GEWOBA – the architecturally biggest challenge in new buildings is simply solved.