Bruag acoustics solution against increasing noise of cars and trains.

Project name:Balcony Acoustics Schaffhauserstrasse Winterthur
Application:Balcony Acoustic Systems
Country / Place:Switzerland/Winterthur
Architecture:Hollenstein Architekten Winterthur
Colour:RAL 9016


Noise is something everyone daily experiences in populated areas. More and more, apartments are being built close to roads and railway lines. This circumstance asks for efficient systems to reduce this noise. With the Bruag Acoustics Solution for interior and exterior application, the affected persons can be relieved. On the one hand, the system reduces the noise coming from the streets or railways. On the other hand, conversations being held on the balcony cannot be heard that easily of neighbours and people standing on the pavement. The reduction of noise thanks to the Bruag Acoustics System has already been tested. The acoustic panel can reduce noise by around 10 percent.

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